GitHub Blogging for Beginners
Introduction - Creating a blog on GitHub can be a fantastic way for beginners to dive into the world of coding, web development, and version control. GitHub, a popular platform for hosting code and collaborating on projects, offers an easy and free way to host a static website or blog using GitHub Pages. Let's walk through the steps to create your own blog on GitHub for beginners !
What is Git ?
Git is a distributed version control system designed to track changes in source code during software development. Here's a breakdown of its key features and functions:-
1) Version control
2) Distributed system
3) Branching and merging
4) Collaboration
5) Speed and Efficiency
6) Open source and Community etc.
What is GitHub ?
GitHub is a web-based platform used primarily for :-
1) Version control
2) Code hosting
3) Collaboration
4) Issue Tracking
5) Compunity and Open source etc.
NOTE - Git is used for tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
Conclusion - Git, a versatile version control system, tracks code changes effectively, while GitHub, built atop Git, offers a collaborative platform for hosting projects and nurturing open-source communities. Together, they redefine software development, enabling seamless collaboration, efficient code management, and a culture of shared progress.
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